SDGs Mapping



Internal Action [inc. CSR]

Anglo African continues to support NGOs working with orphans or disadvantaged children around the country

External Impact

NanoBNK will invest in its Digital Banking Platform and Fintech / Regtech Applications to reach the unbanked and unserved in Africa and Asia, effectively supporting financial inclusion.

Value Creation across Capitals



Internal Action [inc. CSR]

ION News is now the third largest digital news company in Mauritius. It was the first company to provide quality news [Print] free of charge to the population.

External Impact

Ventures will invest in a plug and play platform to ensure that learners acquire the knowledge and as such is working to set up a start-up in this respect.

Value Creation across Capitals



Internal Action [inc. CSR]

Anglo African has adopted and strengthened its recruitment and training policy for the promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women at all levels and consolidate equal pay for equal work.

External Impact

Our Incubator Ventures is now giving a priority to startups driven by women. Moreover, our Credit Scoring Applications for microfinance will empower women across communities to access finance more effectively.

Value Creation across Capitals



Internal Action [inc. CSR]

Anglo African will promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, intrapreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalisation of initiatives.

External Impact

We believe that our subsidiaries such as NanoBNK and our Incubatees from Ventures will indirectly create jobs in the informal sector.

Value Creation across Capitals



Internal Action [inc. CSR]

InfoSystems & NanoBNK will continue to optimise their costeffective solutions to assist companies in upgrading their technological capabilities in all countries where they operate.

External Impact

In addition to Information and Digital Technologies, we are now the only firm in Mauritius that is also advising companies in developing their Electrical, Mechanical and IIOT capabilities.

Value Creation across Capitals



Internal Action [inc. CSR]

In addition to Blockchain technologies, we continue to research other promising digital alternatives that can help dramatically reduce the costs and time to transfer funds across borders.

External Impact

NanoBNK Fintech platforms will aim to reduce to less than 3 per cent the transaction costs of migrant remittances and eliminate remittance corridors with costs higher than 5 per cent across Africa and Asia.

Value Creation across Capitals



Internal Action [inc. CSR]

DigiConsult and Ventures will seek financial and technical assistance to assist clients design buildings that are sustainable, resilient and energy efficient, utilising local materials.

External Impact

Our EC3 platform are giving Asset Owners as well as Smart City operators the right platforms to manage the efficiency of their operations.

Value Creation across Capitals



Internal Action [inc. CSR]

InfoSystems will continue to engage public sector organisations in developing countries to strengthen their technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production.

External Impact

Our EC3 [Enterprise Control and Command Centres] will not only be able to report Intelligence on Production Consumption in real time but will also be able to Predict same.

Value Creation across Capitals



Internal Action [inc. CSR]

Anglo African will expand its geographic footprint and contribute to enhance North- South, South-South and regional and international cooperation on and access to technology, innovation and knowledge sharing.

External Impact

NanoBNK Remittance business will have the possibility to connect business and enable transactions from Africa to Asia and vice-versa.

Value Creation across Capitals