Human Capital

Through their expertise and experience our people enable us to innovate effectively and efficiently, and contribute to the achievement of our goals and objectives. We have a comprehensive approach to managing our people and we are committed to addressing diversity in the workplace. We continue to invest in employee training and development. Our culture is inclusive and we value diversity. Our people operate within a clearly defined governance framework and must adhere to the Group’s Code of Conduct and Business Ethics policy.

Stocks of Capital

Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement is key within our Human Capital Strategy, especially as a large proportion of our workforce are Millennials. We, therefore, strive to provide the right conditions for our people to give their best each day, to be committed to their organisation’s goals and values and to contribute to the organisational success, with an enhanced sense of their own well-being.

Gender Diversity

As we aim to be a global Company, we strive to achieve workforce diversity by employing people from different backgrounds and gender. We consider that this approach provides tangible and intangible benefits to the organisation by extending the market segment and by bringing diversity in creative ideas.


In our fast-moving and disruptive technology world, training and professional certifications are no longer business as usual. In addition to regularly updated Training Needs Analysis and Individual Training Plans, we realise more and more that these knowledge, especially in emerging technologies, need to be extended to our other stakeholders such as customers and regulators.