Anglo African investment distinguished itself at the PWC Corporate Reporting Awards 2016 to win the Best Non-Listed awards and was the runner up for the best online reporting award. “If there were an overall category award, the Anglo African’s Integrated Report would have won it” highlighted Mr Michael Ho.
The PwC CRA event is hosted at the start of every year in recognition of efforts made by companies to improve the presentation and contents of their annual reports.
The objective is to encourage companies to go beyond the minimum reporting requirements, with a strong focus on Integrated Reporting <IR>. All companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius, as well as Public Interest Entities (PIEs) are eligible to compete for the Awards.
From an initial population of 171 entities, 64 annual reports issued between 01 January 2014 and 30 December 2015, and 112 websites were reviewed. A short list of 3 to 6 reports and 8 websites were pushed to the external Judging Panel for their final assessment.
Anglo African Investment Ltd was nominated for 2 awards at the PwC Corporate Reporting Awards: Best Online and Best Non-Listed awards. The company won the Best Non-listed awards and was the runner up for the best online reporting award
“If there were an overall category award, the Anglo African’s Integrated Report would have won it!” In addition to the numerous congratulations, Mr Michael Ho, Master of Ceremony and Senior Partner at PwC stated: “The Anglo African Integrated Report was refreshing for the corporate world and makes Mauritius proud!”.
The findings on the Non-listed PIEs and parastatals highlighted by PwC were; a marked effort to connect strategy, KPIs and IFRS financial statements, better use of graphics ,delayed appointment of new directors •and Sub committees and decision power.
Recommendations highlighted were; Tell the story as it is, the good and the bad, deviations from set budgets fully explained and addressed, measuring board effectiveness and parastatals Board sub committees should have more decision making autonomy, within set guidelines.
The different Category Awards were; SEM-10, Financial Institutions, Listed Companies and Non-listed Public Interest Entities and Parastatals.
Other Cross-Category Awards were; Online Reporting, Corporate Governance Disclosures, Risk Management Disclosures – banks and Risk Management Disclosures – non-banks.
The nominees for different awards were; Alteo Limited, MCB Group Limited, Terra Mauricia Ltd, AfrAsia Bank Limited, Swan Life Ltd, Standard Bank (Mauritius) Limited, The Mauritius Union Assurance Cy. Ltd Air Mauritius Limited, ENL Limited, Omnicane Limited, Anglo African Investments Ltd, GML Investissements Ltée, Mauritius Revenue Authority, Mauritius Housing Company Ltd, Rogers & Company Ltd and ENL Land Ltd.
Other Winners at the ceremony were; MCB Group Limited (Risk Management Disclosures (Banks), Online Reporting and SEM 10), AfrAsia Bank Limited (Financial Institutions), ENL Land Ltd ( Corporate Governance Disclosures), Rogers & Company Ltd (Risk Management Disclosures (non-banks)), and ENL Limited (Listed Companies).
About African Investments Ltd:
Anglo African is an information technology firm, headquartered in Mauritius, with fully owned subsidiaries in Madagascar, Rwanda, Zambia and Zimbabwe and sales offices in Djibouti and Reunion. The company is the leading player in the «Cloud, Analytics, Digital and IOT» space in the markets that it operates.